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Can one stretch really help low back pain and sciatica?
World-renowned healthy back expert, Emily Lark, says yes.
But most people are shocked to learn that Emily spent most of her life almost completely debilitated by back pain after surviving a near-death accident as a child.
And despite years of treatments like chiropractic, physical therapy, acupuncture, and massage...the pain just kept getting worse.
Emily says, “It got to the point where it was so bad I could barely move. I was just desperate I felt like my life was over.”
Finally, Emily was told by doctors that her only option was a life-threatening surgery.
And that’s when she decided to take matters into her own hands…
That’s when something in her brain clicked and she thought there’s got to be a better way, there’s got to be something…
And what she discovered was that our bodies really are meant to be self-healing, we just need to know the right ways to move them to help facilitate that.
And now, Emily is on a mission of hope...speaking out to help people of all ages find support from lower back pain, upper back pain, stiffness, and neck and shoulder pain, right from home, in the most unlikely way...
Hi, I’m Emily and I want you to know that if you have ever felt trapped in your body by pain and stiffness, low energy or weakness…
You don’t deserve to live like this.
If it feels like your back pain has taken over and prevented you from living the full, active, and energetic life you deserve, then keep reading…
Because in just a minute, you’re going to learn about a super simple and very ancient 30-second stretch you can do anywhere…
Even right where you’re sitting now…
That helps your lower back pain by stretching a tight little muscle that you’ve probably never even heard of before…
That can help sciatica without painful injections or surgery.
And it doesn’t matter how old you are or what kind of shape you’re in…
This “ancient” stretch can help the inflammation and tightness in your lower back trouble spots so you can begin to enjoy more easy movement.
And this is very important, because chronic back pain is like having a constant electrical short circuit inside your body that disrupts important life functions like your sleep wake cycle, mood, and serotonin levels…
If you feel like your back pain is affecting every part of your life, you are not alone.
Back pain doesn’t just hurt your back. It hurts your whole life.
And maybe, like many of the people I’ve worked with, you’ve blamed yourself or wondered what you did wrong? But I’m here to tell you it’s not your fault.
It doesn't matter how old you are, how active you are or what kind of lifestyle you live…
Back pain can affect absolutely everyone.
And how do I know all of this?
Because I’ve lived through it. Not just once but twice…
When I was a child, I survived a near fatal, terrifying accident that left me with years of chronic, debilitating pain at a very young age.
After missing out on some of the best years of my life, I was determined to overcome my pain, so I threw myself into physical fitness.
In fact, in my twenties I went on to become a top U.S. fitness expert for well over a decade, teaching everything from yoga and Pilates to personal training and group fitness at the most prestigious gyms and studios all across the country.
At that point I thought I was in the best shape of my life and that my body was indestructible.
But I had no idea I was still walking around for years with a hidden fault line buried in my body…
That would unexpectedly erupt and send me to my knees with excruciating pain…
And stop my entire life dead in its tracks.
And maybe you’ve been there before too…or know someone who has...
Whether you’ve completely blown out your back and fallen to the floor in crippling pain…
Or whether your life is bogged down by chronic pain that won't ease up no matter what you do…
You must keep reading…
Because I’m about to warn you about the one thing you are doing unknowingly every single day that is penetrating your body with hidden fault lines and sabotaging your health.
And you might be shocked to realize how simple changes in your daily routine can help your pain and support against future damage.
Yes, there can be a light at the end of the tunnel…
I’ve experienced it myself and so have tens of thousands of others.
So pay close attention because I’m also going to reveal the three most common back destroying mistakes that people make all the time when they are trying to help their backs…
That actually makes the pain worse in the long run.
These three mistakes are so common…
And for years they were even promoted by the top fitness and medical industries.
But cutting edge research has recently revealed that this misinformation has been hurting people.
And you’ll want to stop doing these three things right now for the sake of your back.
I’m so excited to share this with you today because if I had known this information sooner, it would have saved me from years of physical hell that brought me to the brink of almost losing everything I cared about…my life, my career and my hopes for starting a family.
I was so desperate to get my life back that I wasted thousands of dollars and countless hours trying every kind of treatment out there…
Physical therapy…
Heck, I even tried acupuncture.
But nothing came close to making me feel normal again.
I figured my case was hopeless and you know what? I was really scared about my future…
Because I bought into a common belief…
The belief that most people have, which is that our bodies are doomed to get worse as we age.
However, I’m living proof that with this simple trick it is possible to have help with pain and feel better in your body!
Now I know this might sound too good to be true…
But it’s not…
Because if it wasn’t for this unlikely stretch, I would be barely able to move...let alone keep up with my two sweet, but slightly rambunctious young boys.
And you may be surprised to learn how this same routine that saved my body all those years ago also helps people who are over the age of 50.
Like many of my clients, you may be moved to tears at how fantastic you may suddenly feel in your body again…
Or perhaps for the first time in your life.
And it all starts with this one surprising stretch.
So if you’re watching this, I know how motivated you are to get help with your pain and start living your life to the fullest again.
And I also know what it’s like to be in pain, desperate for help, and not able to get it fast enough.
All of these years later I can still remember the feeling of the impact, like shockwaves buried deep in my bones, as we were blinded by headlights and the front grill of the truck t-boned us.
I was only 12-years-old and that’s the last thing I remember before I was knocked unconscious.
When I finally came to, inside the dark crumpled car, I could barely open my eyes against the blood pouring down my face.
The little girl in the front seat, who I had just been babysitting not 10 minutes earlier, was screaming for her mother to wake up.
But the woman’s mangled body was twisted around in the driver’s seat…
Her lifeless face turned back toward me.
I tried to pry the car door open and run for help, but I couldn’t get my legs to move.
I was trapped inside my broken, battered body and I knew my time was running out.
Confused and terrified…
I started to panic.
Help finally arrived and the doctors in the ER Trauma wing worked feverishly on all three of us through the night.
Much to everyone’s disbelief, we all survived that near fatal crash…
However, the accident itself was only the beginning of my nightmare.
Months of rehabilitation passed and when I was finally released from care, my body still felt fragile, achy and tender.
Eventually the scars on my skin started to heal but the pain and stiffness in my back, hips and knees only got worse.
Unable to move the way I used to, it wasn’t long before my confidence plummeted .
By the end of high school I had gained more than 30 lbs and I was dreading college.
I was embarrassed about myself and desperate to feel better, so I decided to try exercising, despite my back pain.
Ashamed to show my face in the gym at first, I would only go at 5am when everyone else was still asleep.
It was miserable!
I started walking on the treadmill…very slowly at first…afraid that my pain might get worse…
However, I was amazed to realize the more I moved my body, the more my pain started to ease up!
And for the first time in years I was able to sit through a class without squirming in my seat in pain.
I exercised more and more and absolutely fell-in love with fitness for how it was bringing my body back to life every day!
Although I was completely unaware of the dangerous condition buried deep inside my body that could erupt any second…
And it’s the same little-known issue that affects millions, maybe including yourself who struggle with back pain on a daily basis.
More about this in a second.
I graduated college and kept studying…
Racking up professional trainings and certifications in everything from yoga and Pilates, to personal training and group exercise.
By the age of 24, I was hired to teach at one of Chicago’s most elite fitness clubs and I quickly developed a reputation...
I was known as the tough trainer who could make you feel the burn like no other.
Soon my reputation spread and I found myself filling requests to teach in gyms and studios all across the country.
I couldn’t believe this was my life!
Such a far cry from my sad, lonely and painful teenage years.
I thought I had finally made it…with a career I loved, newly married to the man of my dreams and excited beyond belief to start a family.
However, I had no idea that in one moment it would all come to an end….again.
And I found myself back on the surgeon’s table, scared of losing the life I had always dreamed of for the second time before the age of 30.
And this time was even more shocking than the first…
Because even though I was in the best shape of my life, my body was still full of hidden, dangerous fault lines buried deep below the surface that were getting worse everyday.
While I had survived that near-fatal car accident all those years earlier...
I had no idea that my back had been under attack every single day by something even scarier.
In fact, most people don’t realize this, but we’re all under attack…
Every single one of us…
Every day.
And it doesn’t matter if you’re a world-class athlete or a normal everyday person.
Your body is still at risk…
And it’s not your fault…
You’re not doing anything wrong…
Because this silent enemy is completely unavoidable.
It’s known as repetitive trauma.
It affects absolutely everyone and most people have never heard of it.
It’s more common than car accidents, sports injuries or even slips and falls…
And can cause devastating damage when you least expect it.
Erupting at any moment…
Knocking you to the ground with pain and bringing your life to a crashing halt.
That’s why if you’ve ever blamed yourself or wondered what you did wrong wrong, it’s time for you to stop beating yourself up. Right now.
Please listen when I say there is no way you could have avoided the stress that repetitive trauma has been putting on your body.
That’s because Repetitive trauma comes from living your everyday, modern life.
The unavoidable advances in technology are battering your body.
So everything you do from driving your car, working at a computer, even texting on your phone, is pulling your body out of whack…
And causing internal damage almost every minute of every day.
So even if you’ve made the best efforts to keep your body in great shape, it’s still under attack from repetitive trauma that causes a dangerous health condition called Crossed Syndrome.
Crossed Syndrome creates the fault lines, or areas of vulnerability, from muscular imbalances and postural problems…
This pulls your pelvis and spine out of their natural healthy alignment....
And without stable alignment, your discs are beyond vulnerable, your nerves are pinched, your joints are battered and your entire body is under constant stress.
That’s why something as simple as grabbing a dish out of the dishwasher can cause your back to violently spasm…
The damage from repetitive trauma and crossed syndrome builds for years and then suddenly strikes…
You just never know when.
So keep reading…
Because first I need to warn you about the 3 worst back destroying mistakes I see people make all the time when back pain flares up…
And I even made these mistakes for years…
Trying to help my back but not knowing they were only making things worse.
So let’s begin with Mistake #1: Incorrectly Stretching The Wrong Muscles
When we have pain, our body constantly sends us confusing signals.
In fact, the area that we feel pain, is not always the area causing the pain.
So people often think they need to stretch the sore area, when in fact stretching the sore muscle can make the pain worse in the long run.
For example, when your neck and shoulders are feeling tight and sore, your instincts probably say to stretch them out.
But that’s one of the worst things you can do because the muscle that’s making your shoulders hurt is actually on the front of your chest!
And most of my clients are baffled when I share this information with them…
But without this new information, people keep moving in ways that feel good today but create more pain tomorrow.
That’s why you can’t rely on your body’s signals…
You need to know the precise sequence to relieve pain for good.
On to Mistake #2: Trying to combat back pain by strengthening your back muscles
When people come to me with back pain, the most common thing they say is “I think I need to strengthen my back.”
However, the vast majority of the time, back problems aren’t caused by a weak back…
They are the result of a weak core!
When your core is weak, your low back has to strain to do all of the work…
The last thing we want to do is work it even more....
That’s why if you want to help pain in your back, hips and knees and dramatically improve your posture and your health, the secret is in your core!
And don’t worry, you don’t need 6-pack Baywatch abs in order to help your back.
Nobody has time to waste doing hundreds of crunches every day.
And in fact, many of those standard, outdated Ab exercises are ineffective…
And risky for your back.
You’re going to love the easy core strengthening moves I have for you that can be done any time, anywhere.
Even right now in your chair.
I’ll tell you about these in just a second...
But first let’s get to Mistake #3: Resting your back.
Most people believe if they have back pain, they should rest.
However, breakthrough medical research has now discovered that prolonged rest only makes your back more stiff and your muscles more weak.
This weakness leads to longer recovery time…
Or even worse…further damage.
Now, I’m not saying you should jump up and run a marathon…
But with this exact sequence of gentle movements, your body can get the support it needs to feel better!
And I am the living proof this gentle technique works because when I found myself almost paralyzed with pain, there was no way I could move to do any kind of strenuous workout.
I couldn’t even go to the gym.
If only I had known this surprising stretch years, even just months earlier, I would never have come so close to almost losing everything…
My husband, my career and even my hopes for starting a family.
To make a long story short, I blew out my back for the second time in my life…
Which landed me in bed and out of work for almost a year.
I kept expecting the pain to go away but it hung onto my back with a death grip.
After months of chiropractic treatment, acupuncture and even massage, there was no improvement.
Desperate for relief, I finally broke down and made an appointment with a back surgeon.
And his diagnosis shocked me…
He told me my only hope was a dangerous operation that offered no guarantee of working.
I asked him if there was a less invasive alternative, but his answer was a definitive and uncaring, “No.”
When I got back to my apartment, my husband was waiting for me but I couldn’t bear to tell him the bad news.
You see, the visit to the surgeon was my last ditch effort.
All of my expensive and time-consuming medical appointments were starting to put a real strain on my marriage.
We had been hoping to save up money to buy our first house, but I had been out of work for months and our savings account was plummeting…
While the doctor bills kept piling up.
And the worst part was our hopes to start a family went on hold because I could hardly take care of myself, let alone a baby.
I was heartbroken.
I never told anyone this at the time, but I worried someday my husband would get sick of having to take care of me and leave.
I was no longer the fit, energetic, happy woman he had met when he agreed to spend the rest of his life with me.
Now, I’m a little embarrassed to admit this…
Because I’m not usually an angry person…
But at this point, I got really pissed.
And I felt like I’d been betrayed by my own profession.
I had spent years studying the human body and learning all the best techniques and form…
I had done everything right according to the books.
So why had my back still given out on me?
Searching for answers to what went wrong, I grabbed all my old fitness training manuals and dove back into them.
I covered my living room carpet with books and big thick binders about yoga, Pilates, personal training and group fitness…
And I propped myself and my ice pack right in the middle.
And what I discovered blew me away...
First, none of these methods were complete on their own. They either focused on too much strength or too much stretching…
Which only makes the body imbalanced and causes the fault lines to get worse.
And second, every single fitness style had exercises that were not only a waste of time, but were downright dangerous for the back.
Even when done correctly these exercises had been putting unnecessary strain on my back for years.
But despite my frustration, I knew I was missing something…
There was a reason fitness had relieved my pain all of those years ago…
I just couldn’t figure out the missing piece…
And why things eventually got worse...not better.
I was desperate to get my life back again and a voice inside me kept saying there has to be a better way than surgery.
Out of work, stuck at home, with nothing but time and nothing to lose…
I spent the next year of my life re-learning the human body.
I consulted with chiropractors, physical therapists, massage therapists, other top trainers and even brain researchers…
This time not as a patient, but as an investigator.
I interviewed them, asked a million questions, and most importantly, I started reading between the lines for the missing links…
Looking for clues to solve the mystery of my own pain.
I took the bits of information from each individual source and began piecing them together…
And using my own body as a test lab.
Believe me, this was a very long and very frustrating process…
One of the hardest things I’ve ever done….
And I’ll admit, there were times when I came so close to giving up and calling the surgeon.
But one day, as I searched for the solution to my pain, it was like lightning struck!
Through countless hours of investigation and trial and error, I stumbled upon a 10-minute sequence that changed everything….
And it all started with a simple, 30-second stretch that assisted my body’s natural health and alignment.
And for the first time in over a year, my pain lessened!
At first I couldn’t believe it…
I kept expecting to make one wrong move and be back where I started.
But as time went on, I only felt better and better.
For the first time in my life, I finally knew what it felt like to love my body.
And my friends and family couldn’t believe it…
After missing out on life for over a year, I was finally back!
And that’s why I felt compelled to get this breakthrough healing routine out to more people.
So I started holding classes in my local church basement…
Working with people in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and beyond.
And the more I worked with them, the more I realized that I was onto something.
These simple stretches and easy routines were helping everyone.
And after years of seeing these incredible results first hand, I knew I needed to do something to get this information out to the masses to help more people.
But you’d be surprised how long it takes to get publishing deals…
Or how much money it costs to reach people on a global level.
As a busy working mom of two, I didn’t think I would ever have the resources to mass produce this video series and get it into the hands of the people who need it most.
But I knew I had to try…
So I decided to self-publish everything…
And recently something incredible happened.
As people started learning about my program and experiencing the results for themselves, they started telling friends and loved ones about this video…
And in the past few days, it’s spread all across the internet.
And I’m so thrilled you’ve made it here.
So please, let me introduce to you...
Back To Life - The Complete Healthy Back System.
With the Back to Life system, you can assist your body’s natural ability to feel younger, stronger and help with aches and pains!
But I have to warn you, if you are looking for a traditional exercise program that gets your body twisted up into all kinds of crazy human pretzel shapes or has you sweating up a storm, this is not the program for you.
In fact, This is like nothing you’ve ever seen before.....
This system takes you through the exact unique movements, in the precise sequence, to help your body’s fault lines and support a healthy spine…
While also strengthening the core, hips and thighs.
And it can be done in just minutes, any time anywhere…
At your desk, kitchen table, or wherever you’re sitting right now.
And it doesn’t matter where you’re starting…
This program can be done by almost anyone.
In fact, many of my clients say this program is the best part of their day because it feels so good!
You don’t deserve to be in pain.
Please stop believing that pain is just a part of getting older.
With the Back to Life program, you can help support your body against the flare-ups and future pain…
So you don’t have to keep chasing your tail every time it strikes.
Now let’s take a quick look inside and show you everything you’re about to receive with the Back To Life system...
You’re about to learn the exact step by step instructions to get help with back pain naturally…
You’re getting the complete 3-part Back To Life video system where I take you by the hand and show you how to support your back from fault lines and extreme tightness…
Discover the 3 worst and most common daily activities you will want to avoid if you want to feel healthier and more flexible...
Also, you will learn the unusual bedtime position that can bring your hips and spine back into alignment while you sleep to help with aches and pains…
And you’re going to love the “goalpost stretch” you can do anywhere to stretch tight neck and shoulder muscles while also helping with stress.
Not to mention the subtle standing technique you can do while pumping gas, standing in line at the grocery store, or even brushing your teeth…
That will give you a stronger core and taller posture…
While also helping prevent dangerous slips and falls.
And you can’t miss the four moves for a younger feeling spine that take less than a minute per day to help with “back freeze.”
Plus much, much more than we have to chat about today...
You can imagine how it’ll feel to play with your kids or grandkids again…
To return to the hobbies you once loved, or travel with your spouse…
All without having to worry about the strain it might put on your back.
You’ll watch your body come back to life as you rediscover the energy of your youth.
You’ll experience the support of a strong core and the tall effortless posture that comes along with it.
Every joint in your body will thank you for bringing stability back into your hips and spine…the foundation of your health and strength.
And don’t forget about the money you’ll save from medical bills, doctors visits, prescription medication and possible surgery.
Because right now you have the chance to get help with your back pain and live with better mobility and strength.
But more than that is the bullet-proof confidence you’ll gain moving forward to tackle any obstacle that comes your way…
While preserving your quality of life, but most of all...your independence for years to come.
And that’s not all…
Today for a limited time I have a special gift for you...
I’ve decided to also include my Back to Life Companion Manual along with the entire Back To Life series.
This handy manual gives you all of the same healthy back moves, with full color instructional pictures, in an easy to bring-along format.
So if you don’t have access to watch the videos you can still have the manual right at your fingertips.
Most people love to have this handy manual because it gives you the extra guidance and coaching advantages as if you had your own personal instructor everywhere you go…
Without having to pay an arm and a leg…
In fact, today it doesn’t cost you anything.
It is my gift to you, absolutely free.
But that’s not all…
How would you like a collection of my favorite tricks you can use throughout your day to better posture and help with back pain?
Over the years I have seen people help their pain just by making one slight adjustment to their daily habits.
So I have compiled a list of my top healthy back tricks you can begin today without any extra time or money.
All of these simple tricks help support your spine, just by making easy yet powerful changes to the way you sit, stand, carry your bag or even sleep at night.
This checklist takes the guesswork out of back health and reveals the best ways for you to help your body from daily repetitive trauma.
That’s why if you decide you’re ready to get back to life, I am including the healthy back checklist completely for free.
Now when I was creating this series, I was strongly advised by industry experts that this program should be priced at $99.95.
While this sounded high to me, I was reminded that it's still less than the cost of one training session and it’s nothing compared to the monthly costs of chiropractic appointments or prescription pain meds.
And yes, I know people would happily pay that much money for help with back pain…
I certainly paid much much more when I was in pain.
But I also know at that price, people would be left out and I can’t bear the thought of leaving anyone in pain.
That’s why I’m saying no to charging almost a hundred dollars for this program.
This program saved me from losing the life I love…
It has kept me healthy, happy, strong and mobile for almost a decade now…
And I truly believe that without it, I wouldn’t be the mom I am to my two beautiful boys.
So I feel blessed to be able to share this amazing program with you.
That’s why today I am pricing this program as low as I possibly can while still being able to keep this video going to continue to reach more people like you.
So I’m not even going to charge you half of the recommended price.
Today, through this video only, you can have the complete Back to Life series plus two special bonus gifts for a one-time payment of only $45.
I know you’re eager to get to get started, so just click the button at the bottom of this page and begin to break away from pain right where you’re sitting.
And you can be confident in these results because you can try this system for two full months, at absolutely no risk….
Here is what I mean…
When you say yes right now to the entire Back to Life system and you experience what it feels like to have help with back pain and regain fluid movement and effortless mobility…
If you’re not satisfied for any reason…
Even if you just hate the color of my shirt.
Then let me know and I’ll be happy to refund your entire investment today for the Back To Life program…no questions asked.
That’s right, you have a full sixty days to try this system and if you aren't completely satisfied, please email me at [email protected] and I will personally make sure you are refunded 100% of your purchase.
You won’t find a single personal trainer, doctor or chiropractor who will offer you a guarantee like this.
There is zero risk to you.
In minutes you’ll hold the secret for supporting a healthy back.
All you have to do to get started is say “yes” to the Back To Life system right now…
Once you click the button below this video, you’ll have instant access to my complete program.
Now please don’t miss this...
We’re almost getting towards the end of this page…
And I know you’re eager to learn about the one stretch that can help sciatica.
So without further ado, I’d love to show you a demonstration of this incredible stretch.
The stretch I’m about to tell you about targets a small but menacing muscle called the piriformis.
When this muscle becomes tight or inflamed, it can aggravate the sciatic nerve and cause excruciating shooting pain in the leg and hip, as well as numbness and tingling.
This can be a tricky muscle to stretch but I have developed several simple techniques to stretch this muscle in just thirty seconds.
So let me tell you right now exactly how you can do this ancient stretch to stretch your piriformis muscle and help sciatica.
You’re going to come onto the floor and draw one knee forward, while you slide the other leg back. You want your front knee out to the side and your hips centered on your mat. Gently lower the chest down toward the mat and allow your forehead to rest on your hands or on the ground.
Now, I know what you might be thinking…
That sounds pretty intense right?
Don’t worry! If this version is just a little to bendy, I have several easier options just for you.
And in my program I will provide step by step video demonstrations of all of the stretches.
If you’re not very flexible, please don’t worry about it, it’s not necessary to get your body into such a twisted and bent position in order to have the same great benefits.
In fact, I have discovered several variations of this stretch that are much easier to get into…
And one of them can even be done right where you’re sitting in your chair.
It’s important to me that no one is left out, so I have made sure to find a move that is easy to do and delivers the same great results for everyone.
Even people who aren’t able to get down on the floor, or who have a very limited range of motion.
In fact, this is one of the things that makes my program so unique: I specialize in working with people of all levels of fitness and flexibility so I make sure that you will have plenty of variations and modifications.
There is something that will work for your body, at any level and any age.
In fact, the very first video in my program is a simple ten minute movement routine that can be done right in your chair for better back health…
Including the easy seated version of the 30-second stretch that can help sciatica.
And I take the time to walk you through each move in my videos…
Step by step, so you can always make sure you’re doing it safely and correctly.
This is why people love my program so much.
It is highly effective, but also easy and quick so almost anyone can do it.
Remember, these are the same simple movements that I followed when I could barely move.
Just click or tap the button below this video right now and get started this very minute …
Once you do, a new page will open that takes you to ClickBank’s private check out page that’s completely safe and secure using 256 BIT encryption technology…
Now who is ClickBank? They’re simply the merchant I use to help process orders.
And I chose them because they’re the best when it comes to internet security…
Utilizing the same Fort Knox like technology the big brands like Amazon use for checkout purposes.
So again, just click or tap the shiny, rectangular button below this page to get started…
A new page will open up…
That’s your private and secure checkout page…
Just enter your information in the boxes and you’ll receive instant access to the complete Back to Life System......
I can’t wait to hear about your results…
I’m Emily Lark and I want to thank you for watching this presentation.
Q. What if I’m weak or not very flexible?
Don’t worry, every move in this program is meant to work for different bodies. You will have different levels and modifications to work with. This isn’t some crazy, twisty, sweaty workout program….this is the simple and natural method that strengthened my body and relieved my back pain when I could barely even move.
Q. Does this work for both men and women?
Yes, especially men and women over the age of forty.
Q. I’m over 60, will I still be able to do this program?
Absolutely! Each phase of the program has multiple levels and modifications so it doesn’t matter how old you are or what level you are at.
Q. What if I try this and it doesn’t work for me?
I am so confident that you will see and feel the great results from this program that I will personally refund 100% of your payment for a full 60 days after your purchase.
Q. Is my credit card and personal information safe?
Absolutely. When you click the button below this video, you’ll be taken to ClickBank’s 100% secure payment form. Your credit card and personal information are electronically processed without compromise. Clickbank is a Top 100 global retailer, accredited by the Better Business Bureau and trusted with over 200 million customers in more than 190 countries.
Q. Who is ClickBank?
Clickbank is a global platform where product creators can share their information with millions of customers on a 100% secure network. Only after being approved through a strict authorization process and showing evidence on all written claims can a product creator sell their program using this platform. Clickbank’s stern approval process ensures only high quality products and valid information is given to all customers.
Q. Will I be billed more than once?
Absolutely not. Back To Life is a one-time secure payment and you’ll be an owner of the program forever.
Now, before I sign off I want to let you know that once you purchase Back to Life, I will be with you every step of the way…
Guiding you through each movement and helping you get the most out of the program.
There is nothing I love more than working with people so that no one has to go through what I went through.
I look forward to hearing from you about your experience as you assist your body’s natural health and uncap the energy, vitality and strength that it’s capable of.
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Today you will receive instant access to:
The complete healthy back system videos:
- 3 levels of healthy back routines with modifications to relieve back pain for good.
- The 10-Minute Healthy Back Chair Routine that you can do at a desk at work or even while watching tv on the couch.
- Several variations of the 30-second stretch to relieve lower back pain and sciatica at its root.
The Healthy Back Checklist featuring:
- Simple daily tips to relieve back pain like how to sleep, sit, eat, and even what shoes to wear.
The Back to Life Companion manual:
- Pictures and descriptions of each stretch in the program.
- Bring it on the go for fast and easy access.
PLUS Four Special Bonus Gifts Today Only:
- The Three Stretch Total Back Release.
- The Strong Core Fast video for a stable spine and flat belly.
- The Lower Back Release video for fast relief from aches.
- The Healthy Hiplflexors video to unlock sore hip muscles.
Physical Products + Stream or Download on Any Device
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60 Day Full Refund Guaranteed
If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will give you your money back right away.
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